Valentine's Day Craft Projects!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Each of this week's crafts are designed to be a fun and different way to make handmade Valentine's cards for friends and family.  These projects are great for kids of all ages. Below are some of the highlights!  

Heart Collage Animals

We love these!  Check out the below examples of heart animals.  Kids can simply cut a bunch of different color hearts and see what type of animals they can make.  Kids can use construction paper, find fun patterned paper or, our favorite, recycled artwork!  We love paper punchers in the studio! This heart shaped one is perfect for Valentine’s Day!

Embroidered Heart

This is a fun project for both kids and adults.  Embroidery for kids is a great exercise for fine motor skills. First, sketch a heart shape using a pencil.  Make sure the heart is big enough for the pencil line to be in hole-punching range.  Next, punch small holes around the heart shape and erase the pencil lines.  Thread yarn on a plastic embroidery needle and tie a knot at the end.  We found some really fun space-dyed yarn in bright colors to use.  Stitch yarn across the heart until you've filled the whole space.  

Heart Tissue Paper Collage

We love bleeding tissue paper collages and the fun stained glass effect it makes.  For this project, we followed the same process but used cut out heart shaped tissue paper in various sizes.  To start, you first need to make a mixture of glue and water.  We do 1/4 water to 3/4 glue.  Speaking from experience with kids, make sure to get WASHABLE glue.  The All Purpose glue is difficult to clean off trays, clothes, tables and paint brushes!  The water helps the tissue paper colors bleed together.  Next, brush the glue mixture on your paper and begin to stick the hearts down.  Continue to layer hearts together until the whole paper is colored.  Make sure to play with layering hearts on top of one another and don't be afraid to paint glue on top of the hearts. 

Valentine Thumbprint Art! 

We almost always have a thumprint table out at The Art Project.  We love Melissa & Doug's washable rainbow stamp pads because of the large surface area and the washability factor.  This week, we have special Valentine's Day themed examples out.  They make really cute cards, whether you make them yourself or let us turn them into customized cards for all your child's friends (see below). 

Custom Valentine's Cards!

Let us turn your child's artwork into one of a kind Valentine's Day cards!  All text, artwork and colors are fully customizable.  Pricing starts at just $20 for 12 cards and includes cards and 1 crayon or sucker attached.  Add $1 each for applesauce pouches, cheddar bunnies, fruit snacks or 8 pack of crayons.  Shipping for out-of-towners not included.  
